High School Core Subjects
At Immanuel High School we have the unique opportunity to proclaim Christ in our pursuit of excellence in academics, the arts, athletics, and relationships. Our mission is to equip students to serve God and neighbor with mind, body and soul, based on a Christ-centered foundation. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to building an educational environment that fosters growth from a Biblical world-view. We are committed to motivating and encouraging students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and effective communicators.
Core Subjects Offered for High School:
Bible Leading to Christ (9th Grade):
The Old Testament Leading to Christ course at Immanuel High School is a course that covers both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. An in-depth study of the book of Genesis is followed by studying the life and events of Moses found in the book of Exodus. The remainder of the Old Testament up to the prophetic books is covered in summary form throughout the fall semester. The spring semester begins with a quick overview of the prophetic books in the Old Testament followed by a detailed study of the Gospel of Mark found in the New Testament. Throughout these studies, students use note-taking skills, journaling, general classwork, and projects to learn the material.
Basics of Christianity (10th Grade):
The purpose of this class is for students to understand the basics of the Christian Faith. In the first semester, the focus will be on how to study the Bible using Philippians and Romans. The second semester we will study the essential beliefs of the Christian. Students will learn how to study the Bible for themselves. Students will learn how to employ a Biblical worldview. Topics covered include inductive Bible study, Philippians, Trinity, incarnation, bibliography, the Cross of Christ, sin, humanity, personal creed, and spiritual warfare.
Gospel of John (11th/12th Grade):
The goal of this course is to explore the Gospel of John in light of its purpose, “these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (Jn. 20:31). A careful survey reveals the seven I am statements of Christ, the Seven Signs of Christ; the special relationship Jesus had with His Father; the unique expression of Jesus as the Messiah as the author reveals Him to be the very Word of God; Johns unique description of Jesus’ final week of His life, Passion Week.
The Church (11th/12th Grade):
The purpose of this course is to survey the Book of Acts as a historical account of the church in its infancy. All 28 chapters demonstrate God’s faithfulness, through the work of the Holy Spirit, to the courageous followers of Christ as they navigate through a hostile world, expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the secular world of the time. Also, this course explores the impact the Church on world history throughout its expansion to distant lands through its adolescent and adult phases.
Apologetics (11th/12th Grade):
This apologetics class is intended to help students have a better understanding of the value of defending one's faith. Based on the understanding, our goal is to train students to be able to defend the Christian faith. We will cover a variety of the hard questions, such as why are there suffering and evil in the world? We will start with and build on the existence of God and then the reliability of the Bible.
Revelation (11th/12th Grade):
The course on Revelation will be a chapter by chapter study of the great prophetic book of Revelation. We will take as literal approach as possible. We understand that there are many symbols that have a literal meaning behind them. Understanding revelation is a lifetime study. We will never totally grasp the significance, implications, or importance of this great book. But, God did call it a “revelation” and intended for us to seek the promise made in Revelation 1:3 where we will be blessed if we “read, hear and keep the words of the prophecy of this book.” topics covered include the visions of Christ, the tribulation, the judgement of God, Heaven, and Hell.
Marriage and Family (11th/12th Grade):
This Marriage and Family course is intended to first help students to have a better understanding of the value of a Bible based marriage. Based on this understanding our goal is to train students to be able to go on and build an awesome Christ-centered marriage. We will cover a variety of issues related to marriage; including the foundation of marriage, personality differences, communication, money in marriage, true intimacy, the roles in a marriage, more.
World Views and World Religions (11th/12th Grade):
The goal of Worldviews is to present to students Christian worldviews in response to other worldviews around them. The students will take a look at 10 different views and be able to compare and contrast them with the Christian Biblical worldview. Topics covered include Biblical Christian, Deism, Naturalism, Nihilism, Existentialism, Postmodernism, Paganism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.
Discipleship (11th/12th Grade):
The goal of this class is to meet with Jesus and follow Him. The class is focused around putting into practice what it means to follow Jesus and how we can put that into practice in our lives. The class will focus on taking the next step of faith and how God will make that look in our lives. In short, this class is how we get to know Jesus and follow Him for a lifetime.
English 1:
This course includes, but is not be limited to, the following areas of study. The student will read a variety of authors and genres and will write in response to the literature and to their own personal experience (journal, reflective, narrative and descriptive). This approach focuses on the character and influence of the individual. Emphasis in the writing process is on the mechanics of generating ideas, precise sentences and vocabulary. This course of study will cover traditional grammar and its use and related skills such as spelling, oral communication, letter writing, study skills and library/research use. The purpose of this course is to provide in depth, enriched integrated educational experiences in the language arts supported by the California Common Core Standards for Reading Literature, Reading Informational Texts, Reading Foundation Skills, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language.
English 2:
This is a California Common Core Standards-based course. It is designed to guide students through the process of developing academic literacy, literary analysis, vocabulary development, critical thinking skills, and interpretation of functional workplace documents. Students will read from a wide variety of world literature, including short story, non-fiction, drama, poetry, and novels, and will analyze recurrent patterns and themes in historically or culturally significant works. Students will complete a variety of writing assignments that will continue to develop and enhance their skills in composing narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive essays. Students will refine their writing skills by focusing on the mechanics of language and vocabulary development. This course provides students with the opportunity to develop the language skills that will prepare them for real-world situations and promote college and career readiness.
American Literature:
This is a full-year California Common Core Standards-based course that introduces the student to various genres and periods of American Literature. The course is designed to improve students’ abilities in becoming skilled readers of prose in a variety of periods, genres, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts with an emphasis on students’ interpretive skills in reading challenging literature. Students have a number of opportunities and projects to advance their writing and stylistic development in composing for a variety of purposes, audiences, and contexts. Students write on a variety of subjects and in a range of discourse modes, including expository and argumentative writing, applying and integrating appropriate rhetorical strategies. Overall, this course will enable students to read, comprehend, and interpret complex texts in American Literature with understanding and to effectively communicate with advanced audiences and readers through writing.
Critical Reading and Writing:
This is a California Common Core Standards-based course designed to provide in-depth, enriched and integrated educational experiences. Students will build upon the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier grade levels as they work towards mastery in reading, writing, critical thinking, vocabulary and communication skills. Throughout this course, students will exercise a variety of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will work to improve and master their written and oral communication skills, while strengthening their ability to interpret and analyze world literature in a variety of genres. The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language) will guide teaching and student inquiry.
AP English Language and Composition:
The AP English Language and Composition course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts—including images as forms of text— from a range of disciplines and historical periods.
American Sign Language (ASL) is designed to help the beginning signer develop basic skills of ASL and knowledge of Deaf culture. Students will develop fundamental skills in ASL vocabulary and grammar to meet basic communication needs. Emphasis is placed upon acquisition of both comprehension and production skills. In addition to learning the language, students will focus on aspects of the Deaf community and the development of cultural awareness necessary for communication and interaction.
American Sign Language 2:
American Sign Language Ⅱ builds on the material mastered in ASL Ⅰ. Students will continue their ability to communicate in ASL about various topics including: descriptions, making requests, asking for advice, giving opinions as well as discussing plans and goals. Course goals include the following: 1. Advance in both receptive and expressive skills 2. Build and master a larger vocabulary in ASL by utilizing the Five Parameters 3. Advance understanding of American Sign Language grammar and syntax through sentence translation exercises. 4. Develop more fluidity and a deeper sense of expression as a signer 5. Understand, discuss and debate elements and controversies of Deaf culture in order to effectively and professionally function within the Deaf community.
American Sign Language 3:
This course builds on the receptive and expressive skills taught in ASL 1 and 2. This course will develop students’ ability to demonstrate receptive proficiency in ASL conversations, incorporate classifiers into conversations, and allow students to exchange personal information and specific life events. It will further develop students’ abilities to perform short narratives with competence, self-generate short stories and narratives, convey emotion using facial expressions, and compare/contrast various aspects of Deaf culture.
Spanish 1:
Students will begin to understand and interpret Spanish at beginning levels within a range of conversational, social, cultural, and written contexts. Students will begin to express their feelings, emotions, opinions, and exchange information within a range of topics. They will begin to demonstrate creative, presentational speaking and writing skills on various topics; recognize and appreciate various aspects of Spanish and Latin cultures; build a functional and motivational base from which future enjoyment of the Spanish language can emerge; and compare the language, structure, thought patterns, syntax and grammar of the Spanish language with that of English.
Spanish 2:
Students will begin to understand and interpret Spanish at increasingly complex levels within a range of conversational, social, cultural, and written contexts. Students will express their feelings, emotions, opinions, and exchange information within a range of topics. They will demonstrate creative, presentational speaking and writing skills on various topics, recognize and appreciate various aspects of Spanish and Latin cultures, build a functional and motivational base from which future enjoyment of the Spanish language can emerge, and compare the language, structure, thought patterns, syntax and grammar of the Spanish language with that of English.
Spanish 3:
Spanish 3 consists of advanced vocabulary and advanced grammar in order to express ideas that much more precisely in the Spanish language. The emphases are the abilities to write in Spanish, speak in Spanish, read in Spanish, and understand spoken Spanish. Making the Spanish language relevant to the students is the priority.
Freshmen Readiness (Fall):
The primary objective for this course is to increase student’s awareness of all that Immanuel High School has to offer. Including topics such as exploration of on-campus programs, reviewing the student handbook, restorative discipline, individual strengths assessment, college and career readiness guides, digital citizenship, social media appropriate use, creating a digital portfolio, library resource training, Khan Academy and College Board accounts, and viewing the past, present, and future from a Christian perspective.
Health (Spring):
This course is designed to assist students in obtaining accurate information, developing lifelong positive attitudes and behaviors, and making wise decisions related to their personal health. Study will include personal and community health; mental, emotional, and social health; injury prevention and safety; nutrition and physical activity; alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and growth and development.
Algebra 1:
This course is an introduction to the language and applications of algebra, including development of the real number system, variables, mathematical expressions, linear equations, problem solving, inequalities, polynomials, special products and factoring, graphs, relations and functions, quadratic equations, rational and radical expressions, and basic statistics and probability.
The goals of this course are finding surface area and volume, understanding relationships between lines and angles, using deductive reasoning to communicate logical arguments and formulate proofs, identifying and justifying congruence of objects and/or their parts, using proportional reasoning to identify and justify similarity between objects including right triangles and trigonometry, understanding circle relationships, and interpreting probability relationships. Students will use these concepts to engage in meaningful and challenging tasks. This course is designed for classroom and independent study use. For those working independently, students will meet weekly with a credentialed, highly qualified teacher who will provide instruction and assessment for the course.
Algebra 2:
The course complements and expands upon the mathematical content and concepts of Algebra 1 and Geometry with increased emphasis on problem-solving in various situations, abstract thinking skills, number systems, functions, and graphs. Language and symbolism are expanded to encompass new concepts. The content includes such topics as relations and functions, quadratic equations, conic sections, matrices, logarithms, exponential functions, binomial theorem, sequences, and series.
Advanced Math:
This course includes comprehensive coverage of precalculus topics as well as in-depth coverage of discrete mathematics and data analysis. An emphasis on key areas of mathematics, such as trigonometry and discrete mathematics provides a solid introduction to calculus.
AP Calculus (Alternate Years):
AP Calculus AB is an introductory college-level calculus course. Students cultivate their understanding of differential and integral calculus through engaging with real-world problems represented graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally and using definitions and theorems to build arguments and justify conclusions as they explore concepts like change, limits, and the analysis of functions.
AP Statistics (Alternate Years):
AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students cultivate their understanding of statistics using technology, investigations, problem-solving, and writing as they explore concepts like variation and distribution; patterns and uncertainty; and data-based predictions, decisions, and conclusions.
Introduction to Physics, Earth Science, and Chemistry (IPESC):
This course is designed to introduce students to the physical sciences and prepare them for courses in chemistry and physics. Students will gain an understanding of how these scientific disciplines are interrelated and how the advances made in each area of study impact our society. Students will learn of the medical and technological advances made because of the concepts they are learning and how these inventions impact our health and well being.
This one-year course is an in-depth study of Life Sciences. Through project based investigations, field exercises, demonstrations, research, and coursework students will develop an understanding of: Ecology, Cellular Biology (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic), Genetics, Biological Diversity (and the History of), Botany, Invertebrate and Vertebrate Biology, and the Human Body Systems. Inquiry based laboratory and field exercises will help students develop critical thinking skills, perform collection and analysis of data proficiently, and understand proper laboratory procedures. The foundation of the class is based upon the standards developed by the California Board of Education.
In this course, students will discover what chemistry is, and how it is used and found all around us. The importance of the scientific method to solve real world problems will be investigated. Knowledge will be gained in the following areas: types of matter, atomic structure, chemical periodicity, chemical formula writing and naming, chemical equations. This course will also stress the important relationship between math and science while studying measurement, metric system and stoichiometry. Students will also investigate chemical bonding, thermochemistry, and acids and bases.
Physics is defined as a science that deals with matter and motion and includes mechanics, heat, light, sound, and electricity. This course is designed to educate the student in fundamental physics topics. Students study mechanics, kinematics, energy, momentum, light, electricity, relativity and sound, among other topics. This course equips students with an ability to recognize physical concepts and laws in the natural world, and in day to day events and increase their critical and creative thinking skills, using them to solve a wide variety of problems in a laboratory setting.
Anatomy and Physiology:
Anatomy & Physiology is a rigorous course designed to study the structure and function of the human body as a homeostatic entity. Focus on the composition of all eleven organ systems, as well as the biomechanical mechanisms by which these organ systems function, will afford students the opportunity to discover the nature of the human body. Students will utilize classroom learning, demonstrations, activities and laboratory experiences to broaden their understanding of the structures and functions of the human body.
AP Biology:
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics: evolution, cellular processes, energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions.
World History:
This class is designed to be a chronological survey of World History, with emphasis on interpretation and analysis of the material by contemporary and modern historians. Through the use of primary and secondary sources the student will not only acquire a basic understanding of the factual material, but will develop the analytical and interpretive skills necessary to deal with the subject in depth. Topics covered include prehistory, Mesopotamia, Egypt Indus River civilization, ancient China, ancient Greece, ancient Rome Christianity, the Americas, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Age of Exploration, and modern history.
AP World History:
AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation.
US History:
The focus of this course will be to explore the major events, personalities, social, cultural, political, economic and technological changes that have shaped U.S. history in the twentieth century. The course will begin with an emphasis on the nation's beginnings, the origins of democratic government, the rise of sectionalism and the industrial transformation of the United States. The course continues with an intensive study of the United States in the twentieth century with emphasis being given to the Progressive Era, WWI, the 1920's, the Great Depression, WWII, the Cold War, Civil Rights Movement, and contemporary U.S. History. The course will promote democratic values and the republican form of government.
AP US History:
AP U.S. History is an introductory college-level U.S. history course. Students cultivate their understanding of U.S. history from c. 1491 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like American and national identity; work, exchange, and technology; geography and environment; migration and settlement; politics and power; America in the world; American and regional culture; and social structures.
Civics (12th Grade - Fall):
This class is designed to study the American political system and be able to analyze the system from a Christian worldview. Critical thinking skills will be utilized to study the integration of faith and politics. Course work is specifically designed to prepare students for college. Students will be encouraged to apply themselves, think critically, and be an active citizen in our community. Topics covered include the foundation of the American government, the Constitution, political parties, the branches of American government, and other forms of government found around the world.
Economics (12th Grade - Spring):
This course is an introduction to the foundations and methods of economics. Economics is the study of topics that include basic principles of decision-making, scarcity, opportunity cost and the principles of supply and demand. These principles will be examined individual, state, national and international perspectives. This course is designed to give the students the tools to analyze their own personal decision making as well as to evaluate the decisions of an individual firm or the nation as a whole. Students will master the fundamental economic concepts, applying the tools (graphs, statistics, equations) from other subject areas to the understanding of operations and institutions of economic systems.
Ag. Government:
This course is designed to familiarize students with the structure and processes of the United States Government system. Students will learn about the responsibilities and rights of citizenship, voting, political parties, elections, campaigns, the Constitution, the branches of government, and the Bill of Rights. Students will also learn about state powers as it compares to the national government powers, and be introduced to world leadership. Students will study and discuss agricultural issues and what role the government plays in the agricultural industry.
Ag. Economics:
This course is designed for the student interested in understanding the operations and institutions of economic systems as applied to our nation's largest industry-agriculture. Units of instruction include basic economic concepts, comparative economic systems, individual and aggregate economic behavior and international trade and policy. Instruction is also given in leadership, citizenship, and career education.
AP Macroeconomics (11th/12th Grade - Fall):
AP Macroeconomics is an introductory college-level macroeconomics course. Students cultivate their understanding of the principles that apply to an economic system as a whole by using principles and models to describe economic situations and predict and explain outcomes with graphs, charts, and data as they explore concepts like economic measurements, markets, macroeconomic models, and macroeconomic policies.
AP Microeconomics (11th/12th Grade - Spring):
AP Microeconomics is an introductory college-level microeconomics course. Students cultivate their understanding of the principles that apply to the functions of individual economic decision-makers by using principles and models to describe economic situations and predict and explain outcomes with graphs, charts, and data as they explore concepts like scarcity and markets; costs, benefits, and marginal analysis; production choices and behavior; and market inefficiency and public policy.