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Letter from the Superintendent

Welcome to Immanuel Schools where our mission is, “to equip students to serve God and neighbor, through mind, body and soul, based on a Christ-centered foundation.” At Immanuel, we have the amazing opportunity to share God’s Word each day through devotions, Bible class, chapel, and relationships. We have the great privilege of being part of our student’s lives and watching them be transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit.

Our theme for the 2024-25 school year is “Made for More”. It is based on Ephesians 2:10 which reads, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them .” I love the theme this year and what we learn from Ephesians 2:10. We aren’t just created by God, but we are His workmanship. In Genesis 1:27, we are reminded that “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” There was uniqueness and purpose in God’s creation and workmanship. That purpose is good works which bring glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ.

With a rapidly changing world, and the pressure to quietly conform to the removal of God in the public square, we realize even more the importance of a Christian education. We look forward to partnering with our families to make this a wonderful school year. We value and treasure the opportunity at Immanuel to daily remind our students that they are “Made for More.”


"Our two children are fairly new to Immanuel Schools. We were overwhelmed with joy in just how welcomed our family was, and the genuine hospitality in helping them settle in. I’m sure I speak for many parents of the public educational world when I express how daunting and scary it is to move your children to another school, without “knowing” one hundred percent if your decision is truly the “right” one. With prayer and opening our hearts to whatever God’s will may be, we made the decision and have had no regrets. It’s refreshingly beautiful to see God being spoken about amongst the students/staff. As a parent, in an unprecedented time where our world is suffering, it’s seeing the small hands folded, heads bowed and hearing your child and their classmates pray for one another and their families with no dismay. Out in the open. This is our hope! These children are the future and it’s schools such as Immanuel that are willing and able to hold onto the truth of God and offering that in a day-to-day routine."

Ryan Wood